We provide tech solutions na teraz i na przyszłość

Osoba pracująca przy biurku, szkicująca projekt.

How can we help you?

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What industries do we work with?

We work on small projects and big challenges! Submit projects of any scope - no minimum number of hours. We support small companies in need of flexible solutions and larger companies looking for comprehensive assistance - from consulting to implementation and maintenance.
Firmy usługowe w b2b
B2B service companies
E-commerce B2b i B2C
B2B i B2C e-commerce
Produkcja i Przemysł
Production and industry

Why us?

We propose solutions and technologies that make the most sense for a particular project, taking into account both short-term and long-term objectives. Therefore, when we recommend a solution, we always emphasise "what, if..."
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Hybrid quote

You receive a quote from us that always shows the maximum cost - that's our guarantee and promise! You know right from the start that you won't spend more than we agreed. Our quote takes into account all the potential surprises that may arise at different stages of the project. If we can get everything done faster, you'll pay less. Sounds good, doesn't it?

We develop legacy systems

If you have older systems that still work, we'll help you upgrade them and adapt them to modern needs. Instead of building everything from scratch, we'll make your solutions work for today's times.

Complete specification at offering stage

At the offering stage, we establish all the requirements and objectives of the project to avoid misunderstandings in the future. This ensures that everyone is in agreement about expectations and there will be no surprises during implementation.

No rigid rules

With us, a contract does not mean a rigid framework - you are free to adjust the number of hours to suit your needs. You decide when to speed up and when to slow down. The project changes? No problem, we work flexibly!

Multidisciplinary expertise

With our large team, you benefit from the expertise from multiple disciplines - not just the specialists assigned to your project. Our experts consult with each other to look at the problem from different perspectives and provide the most optimal solutions.

Tech stack

We work with a wide variety of technologies - from the popular to the lesser known, which often support older systems. When creating a new project, we select the tools so that they fit your project perfectly, are secure, scalable and ready for the future.
Logo PHP, języka programowania wykorzystywanego w rozwoju aplikacji webowych
Used to create dynamic websites and applications running on the server.
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Proces wdrożenia nowej wersji aplikacji został przeprowadzony terminowo i zgodnie z założeniami, co pozwoliło nam na płynne przejście do nowego systemu bez zakłóceń w codziennej działalności. Cała współpraca począwszy od pierwszych rozmów jak i realizacji całego projektu przebiegała na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Innovation Software to doskonały partner, który zadaje kluczowe pytania, pomagające lepiej zrozumieć cele biznesowe i skutecznie je realizować. Polecamy tego partnera do realizacji projektów technologicznych!

Marcin Bohdanowicz

Prezes Zarządu /  MB Partner

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Every project is different - let's talk about yours!

Do you have new ideas, old systems to tackle, or a problem to solve? Write to us, we will suggest how to do it taking into account time, budget and resources.

If it is before 3:00pm - we will call you today.

If it is after 3pm - we will contact you tomorrow, unless tomorrow is a weekend, we will hear you on Monday.

Your message has reached us. Our Sales Manager, Sebastian, will be in touch soon!
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